

The evolution of Terminalwire

Terminalwire will be the best way for developers to build and distribute command-line interface applications for their web applications. It will accomplish this with:

The timeline

All dates on this timeline are approximate and future dates are representative if product direction, not firm ship dates.

  • Problem identified 🤔

    While Brad was at he noticed a great deal of time and effort went into maintaining, releasing, and testing the command-line interface. “There has to be an easier way. Is there a Hotwired for terminal apps?”. The problem was clear, but a solution was not.

  • Prototype demo video published 📹

    Brad went full-time on Terminalwire, started building prototypes, and figured out a way to make the process of building and shipping command-line interface apps 10-100× easier. He shared a demo video of the prototype on Twitter and YouTube. The feedback was positive and the pain developers felt was real so he committed to releasing a public preview.

  • Public preview released 💎

    The first working public prototype of Terminalwire is released. The first version is built for Ruby & Rails developers to keep iterations tight and get feedback from a smaller group of Rails developers.

  • First customer: TRMNL 🤗

    The first customer, TRMNL, signs up and builds a command-line application so developers can build plug-ins for their WiFi e-Ink displays. Beta testing begins with a small group of developers who are building command-line applications for their web applications on macOS and Linux workstations.

  • Portable binaries 🧳

    A binary will be released for the Terminalwire runtime that people can install on their machines with minimal developer dependencies.

  • One-liner curl installer 🙌

    Developers will be able to give their customers a one-line curl command, like curl -s | bash to distribute command-line applications to customers.

  • Client ↔ Server version synchronization 🛫

    The Terminalwire client will be improved further to automatically update the client to the version that matches what’s running on the Terminalwire server without any developer or user intervention.

  • JavaScript, Python, and other languages & frameworks 🤟

    Terminalwire will be released for JavaScript, Python, and other server-side languages and frameworks prioritized by customer demand.

  • Build what people want 💃

    Terminalwire works closely with customers to see what problems they’re having when they build and ship command-line interface applications. If you have a command-line problem not on this timeline, reach out to and maybe we can shuffle things around.