Web Browser

Open URLs on the client's workstation with their default web browser

Terminalwire can launch web pages from the command-line interface. This is useful for opening URLs in the client’s default web browser from a command-line interface. For example:

  1. Opening authentication pages so users can login to your app via OAuth, Single Sign-On (SSO), Okta, “Login with Google”, “Login with Apple”, or any other web-base login flow.
  2. Launch web pages when users run commands, like bin/blog post open 23 could open https://example.com/blog/23.
  3. Display an “authorize command-line” page to users when they start using your terminal app.

Launching web browsers

The browser.launch accepts a URL as an argument and opens it in the client’s default web browser. For example, to launch the root of your Rails app when a user runs bin/my-app open you’d implement the following code:

class MainTerminal < ApplicationTerminal
  desc "open", "Open in browser."
  def open
    # Launch's the root URL of a Rails app from the console
    browser.launch root_url

Rails URL helpers

The terminalwire-rails integration includes all the Rails URL helpers that you’d expect in Rails views, like root_url and everything listed under bin/rails routes.

The default_url_options[:host] is set to the host of the current request the Terminalwire client uses to connect to the server. To change these settings, you may override the default_url_options method in your ApplicationTerminal:

class ApplicationTerminal < Thor
  include Terminalwire::Thor

  def default_url_options
    { host: 'your-custom-host.com' }


By default, the browser resource can only launch http and https URLs. This is to prevent malicious code from opening other types of URLs, like file, that could harm the client’s workstation.